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Group Gatherings/Special Events / Re: Happy birthday happy
« Last post by Generalg on December 20, 2024, 01:58:24 PM »
Late but Hope you had a good birthday!
Group Gatherings/Special Events / Re: Happy birthday happy
« Last post by fabr on December 19, 2024, 05:29:38 PM »
Thank you.
Group Gatherings/Special Events / Re: Happy birthday happy
« Last post by DeepBusch69 on December 19, 2024, 02:29:30 PM »
Yea, what he said - Happy birthday Wes
Group Gatherings/Special Events / Re: Happy birthday happy
« Last post by fabr on December 19, 2024, 11:26:08 AM »
Thank ya.
Group Gatherings/Special Events / Happy birthday happy
« Last post by dsrace on December 19, 2024, 10:48:55 AM »
Happy birthday fabr
Motor and Drivetrain / Re: I want it i need it.....its time
« Last post by fabr on December 19, 2024, 06:55:33 AM »
I got the roof air scoop installed and painted. Slight mismatch in color soooooo,whole car is getting new paint . It is time anyway. Lots of rock dings everywhere. Need to stay out of the trails and drifting curves on the gravel roads   .  :m  360 is out and 427 is ready to go in. Ya,enemy is just as bad as us for sure.
The video room / Re: Glamis
« Last post by dsrace on December 19, 2024, 06:06:19 AM »
I'll take your word on G. I like the diversity of st a.   Deep usher.   You've been to G.... , how do they compare in your opinion and general g ?
Motor and Drivetrain / Re: I want it i need it.....its time
« Last post by dsrace on December 19, 2024, 06:00:26 AM »
I think that you,myself and Taylor suffer the most from can't leave it the hell alone. Never good enough syndrome.

 :m I would add enemy to that list  :m and we only do it cause we know it could be better  ;D

On another note, took my truck in thinking it was time for ball joints. Noticed the front tires were starting to cup on the insides. Bought them 4 years ago. Ball joints are tight, both front rims are bent. Left was the worst, in the sense that one could see it wobble on the dynamic balancer. Took 5 ounces of weight to tame it down and 2 ounces on the right one. No idea what caused that.

Been working on the utv. Found 2 coolant leaks so bought a bunch of parts to do a number of repairs. Heater core plumbing was one leak and pulling that dash wasn't fun. Thermostat housing is an encapsulated 1 piece plastic housing and second leak. Bought an aluminum housing with serviceable thermostat. Also, valve covers were plastic and began to warp as they all seem too avoiding to many on the can am forum. Replaced with aluminum and checked valve clearence. That requires pulling seats and fire wall.
Motor and Drivetrain / Re: I want it i need it.....its time
« Last post by fabr on December 17, 2024, 02:58:44 PM »
I think that you,myself and Taylor suffer the most from can't leave it the hell alone. Never good enough syndrome.
The video room / Re: Glamis
« Last post by fabr on December 17, 2024, 11:24:56 AM »
Between G and StA ,to me anyway I think I actually prefer G dunes to StA. I'm not as impressed with how tall dune is which is what StA is all about. G has a lot more area and as such a lot more types of dunes. I really like cruising the mid size,more open dunes and big bowls that G offers a lot of. That said I do not wish to load up and travel to the dunes every morning from Yuma so as to have full hookups. The only option is dry camping at Gordons or wherever at G. I do not wish to dry camp sooooooo it's StA for me. We had a blast last trip to StA.
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