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JOKES Central / True
« Last post by dsrace on Today at 06:49:08 AM »
Under the new administration.  . ..

Group Gatherings/Special Events / Re: LS Fall Run 2025
« Last post by dsrace on January 19, 2025, 07:15:23 AM »
Waaay to far into the future for me to call. You guys pick the dates and I'll tag along as usual.
The video room / Re: Glamis
« Last post by dsrace on January 19, 2025, 07:11:52 AM »
They save a lot of trips. I bet they are $$$ though. Better than loading up and leaving foe sure even if some of the repairs are a bit wonky. They do seem like they pretty much know their stuff.

Yes, they do provide a service enabling people to finish their trips.  Wonky is one polite description  rofl

Deepbusch69, this made me think of you....

This is perfect, I need a T shirt made with it.

Yes you do  ;D
Group Gatherings/Special Events / Re: LS Fall Run 2025
« Last post by fabr on January 18, 2025, 11:55:37 AM »
12-18 better chance good weather
The video room / Re: Glamis
« Last post by fabr on January 18, 2025, 11:53:02 AM »
YES, YES you do !!
Group Gatherings/Special Events / LS Fall Run 2025
« Last post by DeepBusch69 on January 18, 2025, 09:20:19 AM »
I was looking at the dates for next fall that have some open sites available in Cowboy.  Oct 12 - 18 has 6 sites still open.  Oct 19 - 25 has 9 sites open.  Oct 26 - 11/1 still has 17 sites open.  Mike was wanting the last week in Oct.  Never sure what the weather will be though.  Any thoughts? 
The video room / Re: Glamis
« Last post by DeepBusch69 on January 18, 2025, 09:04:02 AM »
They save a lot of trips. I bet they are $$$ though. Better than loading up and leaving foe sure even if some of the repairs are a bit wonky. They do seem like they pretty much know their stuff.

Yes, they do provide a service enabling people to finish their trips.  Wonky is one polite description  rofl

Deepbusch69, this made me think of you....

This is perfect, I need a T shirt made with it. 
The video room / Re: Glamis
« Last post by dsrace on January 16, 2025, 02:34:03 PM »
They save a lot of trips. I bet they are $$$ though. Better than loading up and leaving foe sure even if some of the repairs are a bit wonky. They do seem like they pretty much know their stuff.

Yes, they do provide a service enabling people to finish their trips.  Wonky is one polite description  rofl

Deepbusch69, this made me think of you....

The video room / Re: Glamis
« Last post by fabr on January 16, 2025, 08:02:45 AM »
They save a lot of trips. I bet they are $$$ though. Better than loading up and leaving foe sure even if some of the repairs are a bit wonky. They do seem like they pretty much know their stuff.
The video room / Re: Glamis
« Last post by dsrace on January 16, 2025, 07:02:00 AM »
That guy really likes to hear himself talk. :m

He does.

As this is the first year of speed , I know they have had some growing pains with blown motors and gear boxes and apperantly turbo exh flanges. They seem to be making them right though and still a top tier machine imo

What I like about those videos are the number of bandaid repairs which screams cash cow  :m some of the work is all bolt on parts ...on the sxs's. Shocking how many are either not prepared or uncapped of the repair work on the sxs's
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